The myth.
"Don't men need different products to women?" - it's something we've heard a million times, and the answer is no. Men and women can use the same products, the same treatments - it's all human skin and can be treated the same.

There are some fundamental differences in the physiology of men's skin, and we do take these into account when treating male clients.
Men's skin is typically about 20-25% thicker, because men have higher collagen density in their skin.
Men's skin is often more oily, and tends to have larger pores due to higher testosterone levels than women.
Men lose collagen more gradually through the ageing process, and age less through the lower face than women do.
Our focus.
The goal is healthy skin that is functioning optimally.
We achieve this through topical nutrients (aka, skincare at home), and clinical treatments designed to deep clean, hydrate, and stimulate collagen production. The two go hand in hand - think of your skincare routine as your skins "diet", and treatments in clinic are like going to the gym.
If you could only have one, you'd choose "diet" and focus on an optimised skincare routine at home - but doing both will yield the best results.
We treat any and all cosmetic skin concerns - from acne and scarring, to pigmentation (eg. freckles, sun spots), lines/wrinkles, pore size, texture, sensitive skin, and facial eczema.
Your skin therapist will determine which treatments would be best suited to your needs, during your initial consultation.